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2019-02-28 11:44来源:食品伙伴网编辑:万策

2019年2月27日,据欧盟食品安全局(EFSA)消息,应欧盟委员会要求,欧盟动物饲料添加剂和产品(FEEDAP)研究小组被要求就二水钼酸钠(sodium molybdate dihydrate)作为作为绵羊饲料添加剂的安全性和有效性发表科学意见。


经过评估,FEEDAP小组得出的结论是,在绵羊全价饲料中铜与钼的最佳比例为3 - 10,铜含量最高为15mg/Kg,2.5 mg total Mo/kg全价饲料对绵羊来说是安全的。铜与钼的比例为3 - 10时,补充钼被认为是有效的。


Following a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on safety and efficacy of sodium molybdate dihydrate for sheep, based on a dossier submitted for the re‐evaluation of the additive. The additive is currently authorised in the EU for all animal species as 'Nutritional additive' - 'Compounds of trace elements‘。 Taking the optimal Cu:Mo ratio of 3-10, and the highest total copper level authorised in complete feeds for sheep (15 mg/kg), the FEEDAP Panel concluded that 2.5 mg total Mo/kg complete feed is safe for sheep. Considering (i) a safe intake of 0.6 mg Mo/day, (ii) the estimate average intake figure from food in Europe (generally less than 100 μg/day), (iii) the contribution of foods of animal origin to the total molybdenum intake (estimated to be up to 22 %), and (iv) that molybdenum would not accumulate in edible tissues/products of sheep fed molybdenum supplemented diets up to the upper safe level, the FEEDAP Panel concluded that the use of sodium molybdate as a additive in sheep at 2.5 mg total Mo/kg complete feed is safe for consumers.

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